Get Started

The first 10 hours are on us.

You need to fully trust the editing service you work with. We get to know your style(s) and workflow, and how to make your experience working with us as seamless as possible.

The 1, 2, 3 of How it Works

Quick Consultation

Tell us what you need (colour correction, retouching) and send us examples of your past style for us to match.

Style Match

We work with your past work or current projects to match your style perfectly.

10 Hours of Work

From colour correction to retouching, we'll take care of it and let you know how long it took us.

If we can’t match your style and workflows, or you’re unhappy for any reason, you can walk away. No commitment, no hidden fees, no strings. If you love working with us – which we suspect you will – we’d love to continue supporting you.

Call or Email us to get started